Monday, April 08, 2013

A few moments

We've been watching Michigan basketball the past couple of weeks and look forward to the NCAA Championship game tonight, when the Wolverines play Louisville. Go Blue! (I wish Steve could tell the kids about 1989, when Michigan last won the championship. I'll do my best to tell his tale, but I'm never as good.)

Last weekend I was in The NT Daily office for the first time since I graduated 20 (!) years ago. I've loved newspapers since age 4, but this is where I fell in love with the work of newspapers. My first position on the paper was City Editor, summer 1991.

I love Katie's toothless smile.
Katie is going to Girl Scout Twilight camp this June. She and some other Brownie friends will spend evenings by the lake, culminating in a sleepover night. On the form I noted, "Katie doesn't LOVE being hot. =)" I thought they should know.
Cooper spent the night away from home Friday, as part of his Confirmation class retreat. Margie spent most of the night at the front door waiting for him. She does this when he's camping with Scouts, too.
Katie is progressing well in violin lessons. She started in January with our friend Tammy. She's now playing short songs with the bow. She takes practice very seriously.

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