Monday, July 11, 2011

PTA adventures

I am serving with a great group of moms on the PTA executive board next school year. Five of the six of us were in Austin this weekend to learn more about our roles.

I learned much more than how to run a membership campaign and report rolls to the state (which are, no doubt, important to know).

Like how a Hey Cupcake carrot cupcake is the most delicious carrot cake ever created. 

 What it's like to ride on a rickshaw.

What it looks like when the bats fly out of the Congress Street bridge before sunset.

The craziness that is Sixth Street on a weekend night.

How much fun we'll have this school year as we serve our children's school together. (Me, Julianne, Liz W., Jenny and Melinda)

(I also learned some things that are both unmentionable and not appropriate for illustration. Ply me with a soy latte, and I might fill you in.)

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