Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Will and Kate, Will and Kate

Katie's kindergarten teacher, Emily, is slightly obsessed with the royal wedding. (Me, too!) She, in fact, grew up dreaming of marrying Prince William. (Not me. I'm too old. Emily and I are separated by a decade.)

She and Shannon, our school receptionist, have planned a royal celebration for teachers and staff Friday. To help get them excited about British food and fancy clothes and general fanfare, Emily staged a photo with her own Will and Kate.

Left: Prince William and Catherine. Right: William and Kathryn.

Katie loved being the subject of this reenactment. (Notice the blue ring on her left hand. And she insisted that her pigtails and hair bows be removed, as the real princess-in-waiting does not have pigtails and hair bows.) 

Katie tells me that she pretended to kiss her friend Will. And that she has declared herself Princess of the Classroom (after realizing that the Queen of the Classroom is Mrs. Harris.)

1 comment:

mwheeley said...

LOVE IT... So cute