Thursday, May 24, 2007

There's a first-grader in the house

Cooper went to school a kindergartner this morning and came home a first-grader this afternoon. We celebrated in his classroom with cookies provided by the room mom. (I wish I'd had my camera so you could see how blue Katie's face and hands were after eating the giant sugar cookie coated in blue frosting and gold letters, spelling "We're 1st graders." She was really happy.)

Not surprisingly, I got a bit weepy when it was time to leave. As a student, I always cried the last day of school. I loved school and literally spent summers counting days until I could go back. Well, it looks like I get to relive that last-day-of-school emotion for the next few years with Cooper and Katie. It was a combination of factors today -- realizing that another year of my baby's life has passed, leaving our comfortable routine, feeling gratitude for a really outstanding teacher (who also cried a bit when saying goodbye to her little ones).

Tonight Steve & Cooper are at a minor league baseball game. It's the school district's spirit night, and our elementary school families purchased the most tickets. So, our music teacher threw out the first pitch. Steve reports from the scene that she tried hard but didn't make it over the plate. A nearby student appreciatively commented, "She throws like a boy."

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