Thursday, March 08, 2012

Open house

Cooper researched the first American flag as part of fifth-grade social studies. He also created this replica, which was chosen for display in the class.

Cooper, Kelly and Katie: We are so fortunate to have Kelly as a friend and as their GT teacher. 

Music teacher Mrs. Williams and Katie: Both Cooper and Katie love Mrs. Williams and her class.

Each first-grader wrote a message in a bottle, pretending to be stranded. Translation of Katie's work:
Dear Mommy, I am stranded. I need food and water. Bring a big boat. The island has a volcano on it. It is ginormous. There is a lot of trees. I can only eat coconuts. Will you get me? Will you bring Cooper? I need you to come get me! The volcano is going to erupt! Love, Katie
Katie and Shannon: Mrs. Gallant is the perfect first-grade teacher for Katie. We are so thankful for her love and care.

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